Thursday, February 7, 2008

Buka Banyak Account Yahoo Mesenger

Yahoo Messenger (YM) merupakan salah satu messenger yang paling dipakai untuk berkomunikasi via media teks (chat) secara online. Dengan menggunakan YM Anda dapat berkomunikasi dengan teman, saudara atau relasi. Normalnya Anda hanya dapat menjalankan satu kali YM pada saat bersamaan. Dengan tips berikut ini Anda bisa menjalankan YM beberapa kali sehingga pada saat yang sama Anda dapat login dengan menggunakan beberapa account yahoo Anda. Caranya adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Jalankan registry editor dengan cara klik tombol Start - Run. Ketik regedit lalu tekan enter.

2. Masuk ke key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Yahoo\Pager\Test.

3. Pada panel sebelah kanan, klik kanan dan pilih menu New - DWord Value.

4. Ketik Plural.

5. Klik 2x pada Plural dan isi dengan nilai 1 (satu).

6. Keluar dari registry editor. Jika Anda mengikuti langkah di atas dengan benar maka Anda bisa menjalankan YM beberapa kali. Selain dengan cara di atas, Anda dapat mendownload file, extract file tersebut dan jalankan file ym8multi.reg yang ada di dalam Untuk mengembalikan setting seperti semua Anda dapat mendownload extract file tersebut dan jalankan file ym8multi_unist.reg yang ada di dalam

Tips di atas hanya untuk Yahoo Messenger versi 8 yang dapat Anda download di

Di Sarankan selalu melakukan backup sebelum merubah registry editor.

Selamat Mencoba (USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK)


How to run multiple account in yahoo (versi 8)

Yahoo Messenger (YM) is an application that you can used to chat or talk to someone we know in the internet and is the most popular chat application there is beside MSN. I'm pretty sure most of you guys out there has more than 1 ID in yahoo, and sometimes it's a hassle to run both of your ID's in one computer, with this tips I'll show you how you can run multiple account at the same time without any hassle. Ok Get ready this is how you do it:

1) You have to run the registry editor, you can do that by click the start menu --> choose run and then type regedit and click ok.

2) Once you are in the registry editor go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Yahoo\Pager\Test

3) Then, on the right pane, right click on the registry editor and select “New”, then create a new DWORD registry value. Name the new registry key as Plural, and assign it the value of 1 (decimal). If some case, the value of 2 should also works. To disable or disallow multiple ID's of Yahoo Messengers, simply change and set the “Plural” registry key’s value to 0, or delete the “Plural” key.

4) Exit the registry editor, if you have followed the instruction correctly, now you are able to run multiple account in yahoo messenger.

If you are confuse or don't want to mess around with the registry editor there is an alternative way to do that, just use the small registry registration file that once you click, it will modify and merge the registry setting required to run and execute multiple Yahoo! Messengers at the same time on a computer.Download, extract it and run “ym8multi.reg” contained inside the archive. Once the registry is patched, you can now starting and running multi Yahoo! Messenger with different login or Yahoo! ID accounts. If you want to uninstall the patch/hack, download the uninstaller which contains ym8multi_uninst.reg. Once double click on this uninstaller registration registry value file, it will edit the registry value and set it to disable the ability for Y!M 8 to launch multiple copy of instances.

Have fun.

Note: Before modifying the registry editor it is always best to make a backup of it.

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